World Archery has issued a notice regarding potential doping risks involved with use of beauty products and supplements.

In the past year, two athletes were found to have committed anti-doping rule violations for the presence of the prohibited substance sibutramine, which was ingested either through contaminated nutritional supplements or beauty products.

Both athletes received bans of six to eight months.

The disciplinary panels found that the athletes took the substance unintentionally. However, according to World Anti-Doping Agency principles, athletes are responsible for any substances they ingest.

World Archery has issued an anti-doping notice to remind athletes to check the contents of any supplement or product and strongly consider the possible implications of consumption. Prohibited substances may be added deliberately during a product’s manufacturing process or included inadvertently through contamination. In many cases, the prohibited substance is not listed on the product’s ingredient label.

Athletes are strongly advised to consult a doctor, specialist or their national anti-doping agency before consuming any sort of dietary or beauty supplement. Athletes are solely responsible for any substance that enters their body.

According to World Archery rules, any athlete competing in a world record status or world ranking competition may be controlled for anti-doping purposes. National federations may impose additional controls at other events.

Visit the clean sport pages of the World Archery website for more information.

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